👷Connect to Chainsquare

Setup MetaMask

In order to use the blockchain, you need to install a mobile distributed application (DApp) browser. One of the most popular DApp browsers is known as Metamask. Follow the first set of instructions to install it on the Chrome browser, and then read on to start unlocking the power of the blockchain!

Note: this section will provide information "How to connect Matamask to Chainsquare Network"

Installing Metamask

Step 1. Go to the Metamask website.

Step 2. Click “Get Chrome Extension” to install Metamask.

Step 3. Click “Add to Chrome” in the upper right.

Step 4. Click “Add Extension” to complete the installation.

Using MetaMask

One of the first tasks you will want to do on Metamask is to install a wallet (or “vault” as Metamask calls it) to hold your cryptocurrencies. To do this, follow the instructions below.

Step 1. Click on the Metamask logo in the upper right hand corner of your Google chrome browser.

Step 2. Read and agree to the terms and conditions. You may have to agree to 2 to 3 pages worth of terms.

Step 3. Enter a password and click “Create” to create your wallet.

Step 4. You will see a set of 12 “seed words” for your vault. Click “Save Seed Words as File” and copy the “MetaMask Seed Words” file that is downloaded to a safe place. You will need it to access your vault.

Step 5. Click “I’ve Copied It Somewhere Safe” once your seed words file has been secured. You’ll be taken into your Metamask wallet!

From these Test Networks, you can safely “buy” and “send” test Ether from a faucet and begin experimenting with the blockchain. Click around within the test network and start understanding how the Ethereum blockchain works!

Setup Chainsquare Network

Set up Chainsquare network on MetaMask

Step 1. Go to the Metamask's Wallet

Step 2. Click “ Icon Profile".

Step 3. Click “Setting” in the lower.

Step 4. Click “Network” to add Chainsquare's Network .

Step 5. Click “Add Network”.

Step 6. Input the configuration as the figure below.

Once you Save the Network and return to the main view, you’ll notice two things: the network has automatically been set to the one you just entered, and the units are denominated in ETH. Congratulations. Next step, Please join the community to get Chainsquare ETH in [ This section ]

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